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Experience Log

 — #Personal#Ever Changing

I started my journey with coala, where I quickly picked up the importance of version control, clean code, CI/CD pipelines and Test Driven Development.

I then started web development and over the years have worked with various frameworks including Rails, Django, React and Angular.

I studied blockchain, earned some ethereum writing tests and fixing bugs for various projects as a bounty hunter on Gitcoin. I aced the Distribuing Trust & Blockchain course at IIIT and ended up working as a Teaching Assistant the next year for the same course.

I assumed the role of community leader at IIIT’s open source development group and grew it from 2 events a year to 10+ a year. And also started a platform for open knowledge sharing and public speaking.

For over a year I handled the on-premise services of the college from mail servers to proxy server and the entire network that serves 4000+ people on and off campus.

I ranked high on a CTF by Google & Facebook meant for security professionals and was invited to BountyCon in Singapore, where I learnt more about security and how companies use bug bounty programs to ensure security of their systems.

At AIcrowd, I wore multiple hats in growing the platform for 0 to 10k users, working as a novice product manager and also writing code for the Rails Webapp.

Additionally, I worked as the team leader for the student placement committee and helped place over 400+ students for various internships and full time jobs. This gave me invaluable insight into the current hiring practices of various tech companies working directly and indirectly with HR managers of 50+ companies.

I am currently working with Enlume, where my responsibilities include scaling a WebRTC based application, ensuring the security of the platform and load testing it to verify the scale.

I am also working on building pretrained encoders for low resource languages of India as part of my masters thesis.